In pursuance of its objectives and adopted strategies for women empowerment in particular and community development in general, formation of SHGs, adequately train them in group dynamics, encourage thrift and savings have been prime concern of BISWA since inception. A key issue emerged in the process i.e. to suggest and facilitate activities which gave the members access to finance - finance free of any loan tag; even revolving loan fund of BISWA. Skill development training, design development training, production or processing of quality materials/ goods were to become worthless had there been no system for outflow of the product. Presently LAXMIPRIYA, situated in mid-town location of Sambalpur sells more than 100 items: Handicrafts, Readymade Garments, Brass and Bell Metal Products, Processed Food Materials, Leaf plates/cups, Soap, Sisal Fibre Products, Soft Toys etc. More than 300 Self Help Groups producing these items are associated with this outlet.
Products and Training-cum-Production Centers
Soap Manufacturing:
At Budapada village of Baduapali GP of Maneswar Block, BISWA has established one Soap Training cum production Unit with financial assistance provided by our friends from USA. The unit has a capacity of producing 200 kgs per day of washing soap and imparting training to 20 trainees in a single batch. The unit was established in the month of February 2004. Presently the capacity utilization is 65% in terms of production and 80% in terms of imparting training. Full Capacity idolization is devised to take place by September 2005. The produce is disposed both in wholesale and retail.
Soft Toys Unit:
The soft toys making unit is situated at Kamli Bazaar and has been operating since 2002. Since its inception it has trained 84 ladies in the trade and has rehabilitated 14 women in the center. The product is very much popular both in Sambalpur and in adjacent towns. 20 women of a minority community are being given training at a satellite unit established at Pensionpada, Sambalpur.
Bamboo Craft Unit:
To promote the traditional handicraft in Bamboo, the artisans at Jhankarbahali are given latest inputs to produce quality and quantity products with optimum use of raw materials. In this unit 120 artisans are formed into 12 Self Help Groups with both forward and backward linkage support. The targeted people were imparted skill development training with support from the Government of Orissa, under its Skill Development Program.The Government of Orissa has also provided Design Development training to them.Training have been imparted to members of 7 SHGs in Kudmulguma and 5 SHGs in Ghanbeda of Malkangiri district in bamboo craft trade. The training has been supported by NABARD.
Sambalpuri saree unit : Sambalpur is worldwide known for its handloom sarees. The sarees have a wide market spread over whole of the globe.At Katapali of Bargarh, BISWA has established one Saree weaving training cum production center which imparts training to 100 traditional artisans and by adding value to their traditional skill, BISWA has ensured sustained income in parts of the traditional artisans.
Badi-Papad Making : The products of this unit is marketed under our own brand name ODDISSI as Odissi Badi and Odissi Papad. The unit is situated at Kamli Bazaar of Sambalpur Municipality. Exclusively meant to train women entrepreneurs, the unit also rehabilitates successful trainees as production assistants in the unit which presently runs at 100% capacity utilization in terms of both production and training.
Tailoring Unit:
To cater the day to day clothing needs of common households, this unit is functioning as a local intervention. It promotes housewives and adult women folk an employment at their doorsteps and also augment their earnings. This unit not only trains the raw hands, but also provides them an opportunity for their employment. This year the unit has imparted sewing, embroidery training to 23 women from Sambalpur urban area.
Leaf Cup Plate Unit:
To utilize Siali leaves as a locally available minor forest product, this unit makes leaf cup plate with help of machines, which cateres to the local market demand. It engages 20 lady inmates.
Weaving Unit:
Functioning at Hatibari Health Home, it provides training as well as employment opportunity as a rehabilitation measure to the dependents of original inmates. With a minimum input the inmates are able to produce clothing for the households e.g. lungi, gamchha and sarees at a very reasonably economic price.
Candle Making Unit:
This unit is working at Hatibari Health Home aiming at economic rehabilitation of the leprosy cured persons. Since 2002 (the year that BISWA took over the income generation unit of the Home) the unit has trained 33 persons in the trade. It produces fancy as well as utility candles to cater the local market.
Readymade Garments Unit:
The members of SHG of Diptipur, Bargarh have received training in Readymade Garments in the training cum propduction center. The members belong to a minority community. 68 members have so far received the training and are successfully producing the readymade garments.
Brass and Bell Metal unit Unit:
At Katapali of Bargarh, BISWA has established one training cum production center for the Brass and Bell metal artisans.100 artisans of brass and bell metal craft have been trained with support from NABARD under Rural Enetrepreneurship Development Programme.
Sisal Fiber Unit:
At Hatibari Health Home BISWA has established one Training cum production unit on Sisal Fiber. Fiber is extracted from the Sisal by extractor and then many utility and decorative items are prodiced ouit of the fiber. The produce have a high demand in local as well as national markets.
Tie and Dye unit (Bheden & Marikel, Bargarh)
Training in Tie and Dye has been imparted to SHG members at Bheden and Marikel of of Bargarh district.